Stepping out of my comfort zone of using only markers I began to use latex paint to create a series of portraits based on a simple binary color set.
I wanted to create a series of portraits that reflected a given emotional presence while celebrating the beauty of women of color. These portraits contain fictional characters as well as women I know. Each has been developed to reflect a given characteristic or to tell a short story.
These initial sketches laid the ground work for the paintings in the series. Some of these sketches were so loved by my kids that I made them available as prints in the Print Shop.
Drag them around or click on them to see the full size images.
Confidence: 24"x24" Latex Paint on wood.
Original: SOLD
Prints: Available from 15.00
There was a progression for this painting that actually started with a doodle of my youngest daughter, In that portrait she was just a young kid sipping on a pop. The image was based on one of my favorite photographs of her. After abandoning that marker on wood piece (its 4'x4' !!) I revisited the image and began to think about that little girl all grown up, full of confidence and attitude. It morphed and changed to reflect an attitude and a presence that is intended to showcase and inspire confidence. The straw became a toothpick and the curls grew into an afro. As it turns out, this became my youngest daughter's absolute favorite in this series. She has it in her room, on her cell phone case, and wants a pillow, lol.
Focused Determination: 24"x24" Latex Paint on wood.
Original: SOLD
Prints Available : from 15.00
The intent of this portrait was to showcase a bright future depicted by the near fluorescent color of the background. Her look is focused and intent, the roses in her hair symbolize both the beauty in the possibilities of our futures yet not ignoring the entanglements and sometimes thorny realities that will still try to hold us in place. The point, stay focused, stay determined to see the beauty and the possibilities our lives are destined for.
Shay: 24"x24" Latex Paint on wood.
Original: SOLD
Prints: Available from 15.00
Violet/Talk to Me 24"x24" Latex Paint and Colored Pencil on wood.
Original: 250.00
Prints: Available from 15.00
Violet, speaks from across the room using only her eyes. Telling you that she has everything you need, but you have to come to her - she knows her worth. You must pursue her.
My sister, the closest human on the planet I have. She has an uncanny way of cutting through to me when i am in the midst of turmoil, doubt, frustration .. whatever it is, to bring me back down to earth sanely. The keeper of my sanity, always there to remind me to Cut the shit English!!!
Cut the Shit!: 24"x24" Latex Paint on wood.
Original: SOLD
Prints: Available from 15.00
Lizz: 24"x24" Latex Paint on wood.
Original: SOLD
Prints: Available from 15.00
Love Your Self: 24"x24" Latex Paint on wood.
Original: 250.00
Prints: Available from 15.00
In the original sketch for this paintng the words Love Your Self can be found in the curls of her hair. The ideas of self care, self love, and self satisfaction are the focus of the portrait. The color green is a symbol of my envy of those that have mastered these abilities, and my desire to one day "get there". She is my reminder to take care of myself so that I can better care for the loved ones around me.